Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tiny Elvis the Baby formerly known as the Bean

Poor Sofia, she has just had a plethora of nick-names from the moment of conception.  Chad and I decided that we didn't want to find out what we were having.  Well one scary night around week 5 of my pregnancy we had to go to the emergency room (LONG story).  But they wouldn't let me see the baby because I was well...a tad hysterical.  So I asked Chad after the sonogram tech left, "Well what did it look like?"  His reply, "Actually kind of like a bean."  So from that day forward until July 30th, 2007, she was affectionately called "the bean. "
Well it is a year later, and rarely does this child hear her real name.  Most of the time it is Tiny Elvis.  Another nick-name given by her daddy.  Since she was a baby, when she enters or exits the building her fans always want more!  She is a character, and her wave (it resembles the queen) will prove it.  She is also called Little Girl (this is mommies nick-name) or Cutie Bean (another mommy nick-name).  Her cousin calls her Sopie,  Ida Jane next door calls her Fia, and family and friends call her Sofie.  Whoever she is, she is my fabulous, wonderful, little princess Sofia:)

1 comment:

Allison said...

Ha! Love the glasses!!