Sunday, February 15, 2009

Scar Face

Well I am just wondering if the ER has a punch card for frequent visitors. Yes we had another trip to the ER! On Thursday morning Sofia slipped and fell into our hope chest at the end of our bed. We took her to the ER where she got stitches on her lower lip:( Then on Saturday morning she woke up and her right eye lid was swollen! So that night we just got nervous and took her to yet another trip, this time to an over night care facility. They still are doing tests so we don't know what happened last night, but her swelling is down, and she is acting normal.
Here are a couple of pictures from the last couple of days.

Here is what Sofia looked like when we got back from the ER on Thursday morning

After her trip to the ER on Thursday morning we had play group at our house. I let her pick out what ever she wanted to eat, and wear. This is what she picked:

Nothing like cookies and a princess outfit to make you feel better.

Playing with her friend Katie

Then on Saturday to help take her mind off of her pain, being the terrible parents we are, we still took her to baby loves disco. It is a once a month thing that they do here. They open a bar in down town dc and have baby and adult beverages and snacks. It was fun but I think between all of us being tired and worn out from no sleep and stress we didn't enjoy it like we thought we would.

Sofia Saturday morning, looking like she just got into a bar fight

Sofia before we left for baby disco, Happy Valentine's Day.

So here is to hoping that she has minimal scaring and can stay out of the ER, or else we might have to look into a frequent visitor program!

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